Online advertising in Zurich
Reach your target audience where they are and without tracking cookies.
You are Zurich. You are here. This is your city. These are your people. This is your audience. Show yourself. On The local alternative to Google & Co. The local directory without tracking and nothing else. Just you and your offer. And with you, the most charming shops in the city.
Display advertising
You can choose how your message is delivered: either across the entire platform or only in a specific category. For example, if you are a dentist, you can display your advertisement among all dentists on, reaching everyone interested in dentists.
No flashy animations, just text.
A short message with a button to your website. Blue, green, black, yellow, or red. Only one ad per page, no blinking banners, nu ugly pictures. Also: No hours of searching for the right keywords, no complicated Google Ads or Facebook. takes care of everything for you.
- Entire platform: 5000 impressions for 99 Swiss Francs.
- Category: 1000 impressions for 155 Swiss Francs.
If your booking is 500 Swiss Francs or more, a PREMIUM listing worth 199 Swiss Francs is included, securing you a top position in your category.
Inquiries via:
Basic or Premium Listing
Since 2004, 150 million people have searched for offers and requested addresses on, with no end in sight. It's the right time to step up your game. Because your business deserves an upgrade. For even better visibility. With a BASIC listing or a PREMIUM listing. Just give it a try. Because everyone loves So what do you have to lose?
And: With both listings, our collaboration does not automatically renew. That means you don't have to cancel if you don't want to continue. But we will remind you before the end of a year that you can be present for another year. Nice, isn't it?
Prices in CHF and excl. VAT.